The Biggest Cybersecurity Trends To Look Out For in 2023 & Beyond
Rapid digital transformation driven by IoT, artifi...
Easy reach and user-friendly functions have made e-commerce the most approachable platform. All it works on is a single motto- less friction, more satisfied customers. Our AI-backed identity verification solutions provide an optimized user experience and an easy-running onboarding process. They highly cut the drop-off rates and increase transaction completions.
The daunting figures of stolen identities and data breaches claims now is the time to include identity verification services in the company’s risk management system. In addition to delivering a frictionless customer experience, managing risk and preventing fraud are key concerns to be focused on. We address it all! Our ID verification solutions verify customers’ identities, age, address, and more, effectively safeguarding Card Not Present transactions.
Integrate our identity verification software solutions and leverage the following benefits.
Accelerate the process of extracting payment data and customers’ personal information including name, address, and contact details. Make it a mobile process that can be performed anytime, anywhere.
Friction involved in onboarding can open opportunities for fraudsters to attain the benefits of loopholes. It can prove to be vulnerable and hence, is required to be addressed effectively. Quick identity verification reduces processing time and onboard customers in seconds.
Seamless onboarding, real-time process, and secure identity verification improve user experience. Streamlined checkout and rapid ID verification process minimize the user frustration and lends a great experience.
Identity verification backed with AI-integrated technology including biometric verification and liveness detection makes account opening a reliable activity. It is a way better option than passwords and OTPs, leaving no chances of card fraud and stolen identities.
Authenticate and verify legitimate customers to reduce the risks of fraudulent transactions. Practice identity verification and influence potential customers towards account opening. Optimize conversion rates and drive revenues.
Populate user data from their government-issued identity documents precisely. Accurate ID scanning and verification detect red flags and prevent fraud from happening.